About Us

Synergy means the creation of a whole that is greater than the simple sum of its parts. The term synergy
comes from the Attic Greek word συνέργεια synergia from synergos, συνεργός, meaning
“working together”.

We are independent providers of directorship services, securitization platforms advisory.

Synergy unites his address book of relevant specialists from around the globe, the Synergy
advisors’ collaborators excel in adaptability and delivery of sustainable non-regulated
corporate matters advisory services.

Our Mission

Become your natural choice
& trusted advisor



– Long standing relationships


– Timely action, efficient communications


– Treating people right


– Together, we go further


– Finding the most compliant solutions to get things done

Why Luxembourg

Luxembourg is the Eurozone’s leading financial centre and the second largest investment fund centre in the world. Luxembourg is a strategic EU location with easy access to Paris, London, Zürich, Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Brussels amongst many key European locations.

In Luxembourg, you can do business in French, German, and English, including legal contracts in any of these languages. Luxembourg’s workforce is highly educated and skilled as well as diverse; 47% of the population are foreigners and 160,000 people commute daily from Belgium, France and Germany to work in the Grand-Duchy.

Critically, Luxembourg thrives on its agility and spirit of collaboration.

About Us

Synergy means the creation of a whole that is greater than the simple sum of its parts. The term synergy comes from the Attic Greek word συνέργεια synergia from synergos, συνεργός, meaning “working together”.

We are independent providers of directorship services, securitization platforms advisory.

Synergy unites his address book of relevant specialists from around the globe, the Synergy advisors’ collaborators excel in adaptability and delivery of sustainable non-regulated corporate matters advisory services.


Become your
natural choice
& trusted advisor



– Long standing relationships


– Timely action, efficient communications


– Treating people right


– Together, we go further


– Finding the most compliant solutions to get things done


Luxembourg is the Eurozone’s leading financial centre and the second largest investment fund centre in the world. Luxembourg is a strategic EU location with easy access to Paris, London, Zürich, Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Brussels amongst many key EU locations.

In Luxembourg, you can do business in French, German, and English, including legal contracts in any of these languages. Luxembourg’s workforce is highly educated and skilled as well as diverse; 47% of the population are foreigners and 160,000 people commute daily from Belgium, France and Germany to work in the Grand-Duchy.

Critically, Luxembourg thrives on its agility and spirit of collaboration.

What We Do

Directorship Services

When appointed directors, advising you in the daily management and act in the best interests of your company.

Our combined directorship experiences in a nutshell:

  • Advance knowledge on restructuring projects and Mergers & Acquisitions,
  • Communication and coordination with third parties in Luxembourg and abroad, in their role as board members,
  • Advance knowledge in transferring registered office services and support with financing operations including investments and divestments.

Securitization Services Advisory

We are the trusted partner advising on the design and incorporation of securitization vehicles. We also propose advice on white labeling services offerings. We advise on the possibility to rent compartments in existing securitization for the issuance of securities, loan notes or alternative debt instruments.

Advisory in Finding Licensed Financial Service Providers

We advise on the most suitable partners available on the market for your business needs.

What We Do

Directorship Services

When appointed directors, advising you in the daily management and act in the best interests of your company.

Our combined directorship experiences in a nutshell:

  • Advance knowledge on restructuring projects and Mergers & Acquisitions,
  • Communication and coordination with third parties in Luxembourg and abroad, in their role as board members,
  • Advance knowledge in transferring registered office services and support with financing operations including investments and divestments.

Securitization Services Advisory

We are the trusted partner advising on the design and incorporation of securitization vehicles. We also propose advice on white labeling services offerings. We advise on the possibility to rent compartments in existing securitization for the issuance of securities, loan notes or alternative debt instruments.

Advisory in Finding Licensed Financial Service Providers

We advise on the most suitable partners available on the market for your business needs.

Directorship Services

When appointed directors, advising you in the daily management and act in the best interests of your company.

Our directors have experience in all stages, from advising on the design of the intended structure up to finding the best professionals to comply with applicable laws.

Our directorship experiences in a nutshell:

  • Advance knowledge on restructuring projects and Mergers & Acquisitions,
  • Communication and coordination with third parties in Luxembourg and abroad, in their role as board members,
  • Advance knowledge in transferring registered office services and support with financing operations including investments and divestments.


Securitization Services Advisory

Experience in liaising with legal and administration professionals

Review of Accounting & Reporting when appointed Directors

Review of provided accounting services. Support and accounting services consultancy and hub for finding a suitable and adapted licensed professional or tax specialist.

We introduce our clients to cost-effective accounting and reporting licensed professionals depending on your company size and budget.

Synergy introduces and accompany its clients in finding the most appropriate licensed professionals, and our appointed Directors can interact with:

Custodian banks
Specialized law professionals
Structured Finance providers of mortgages and loans

When appointed on the board of your companies, our directors may help you in:

  • Securitization undertakings advisory
  • Securitization vehicle service provider advisory as directors
  • KYC / AML advisory
  • Bookkeeping consultancy
  • Financial Statements consultancy
  • Advisory on the preparation of NAV calculations
  • Advisory and Supervision of audit process
  • Regulatory compliance advisory
  • Compliance reviews advisory
  • Tax compliance consultancy (DAC-6 – MiFiD) redirecting to licensed professionals

Synergy proposes to his clients to open his board address book of executives to be appointed as directors of your Luxembourg company

Our appointed Directors thrive to...

Advising you in the daily management and act in the best interests of yourthe company.

Our directorship experiences in a nutshell:

  • Advance knowledge on restructuring projects and Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Communication and coordination with third parties in Luxembourg and abroad, in their role as board members,
  • Advance knowledge in transferring of registered office services and support with financing operations including investments and divestments.

Accounting and reporting review, making sure the licensed provider delivers correct statements.

Non-regulated holding companies, securitization vehicles and other types of corporate entities.

  • Investor reporting obligations know-how,
  • Annual accounts consultancy and review,
  • Monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual reports reviews,
  • Audit experience in liaising with the dedicated professionals in charge.

Advisory in
finding licensed
financial services

  • Knowledge and broad experience in managing Asset Holdings of non-regulated Vehicles,
  • Consolidation and Dedicated Reporting consultancy and review.
Accounting and tax compliance experience and knowledge
  • Accounting, bookkeeping, financial reporting, and consolidation of the branches reviews,
  • Support for financial audit and internal controlling reviews,
  • Know-how and experience in VAT registration and administration.

Our collaborators, have experience in assisting with the opening of bank accounts, liaising with regulated professionals for the companies where they are appointed directors.


​Etienne Biren


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Usama Ajan

Partner & Head of North America
and North European Desk

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Mikaël Gutierrez

Founding Partner & Head of South
Europe desk and Latin America

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Dominique Dengis

Business Developer Australia
& IT specialist

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– Restructuring including liquidations, mergers and demergers of multi- jurisdictional holding structure for a US investment bank.

–  Set-up of structures for acquisition of real estate in Spain for both private and institutional clients.

–  Transfer of Netherland Antilles structures to Luxembourg/Spain and simplification for tax planning purposes.

–  Listing bonds and shares of Luxembourg entities on the stock exchanges of Sao Paulo, Luxembourg and Warsaw.

–  Restructuring of hotel group holding and worldwide operational structure (with vehicles in Malta, Luxembourg, Mexico and Spain). This project involved the setting up of a Luxembourg Fund (SIF) for third party investors and SPV’s in the BVI. Synergy worked with local Mexican banks on the implementation of “contratos de Fideicomiso” for Real Estate. This project also involved the setup of offices in Luxembourg and the Netherlands, including trading companies and employee recruitment in these locations.”

–  Restructuring of a listed international mining company in preparation for IPO. The final structure included Asian, European, American and Australian entities, making use of BVI, Barbados, Delaware, Luxembourg and Netherland Antilles Funds or SPVs.

–  Assistance with the acquisition by a Chinese state-owned international company of real estate holding structures owning prestigious London real estate from a US group.

–  Setting up business for American, Canadian and Spanish multinationals, PE and Pension Funds in order to make up to 35% savings.

–  Transfer of existing retail and private Dutch funds to Luxembourg.

–  Setting up and maintenance of SICAR and SIF vehicles for Spanish and French/Middle East international real estate companies.

–  Reorganisation of files and transfer of bank accounts for Luxembourg SPV’s and Custodian of Fund of Middle East bank/investment bank in order to assist with client retention.

– Setting up and maintenance of Securitisation Vehicles for HNWI. Assets securitized have included paintings and real estate.

–  Setting up and maintenance of holding companies and Securitization vehicles for Portuguese group companies belonging to a HNWI, including a setup of a Securitization Vehicle for the securitization of Portuguese distressed debt (transferred from Iberian banks).

–  Assistance to clients moving personal tax residency from France to Spain in order to maintain maximum tax efficiency on in-kind contributions of existing French insurance companies.

–  Finding a tax solution for a leading international hotel group. They had issues with their trading company in Luxembourg generating important taxable income due to unrealized exchange gains.

–  Manco + SIF for an international group (PEP), following termination of client relationship by its Swiss brand admin and auditor. TA and custodian bank located in Luxembourg. We were able to use our network to find alternative service providers who would be prepared to take on the client.

–  Following Spanish real estate crisis in 2007, we worked on the restructuring of Spanish real estate group companies to simplify structures and transfer loan portfolios to Spanish and US banks.

–  Participated in the implementation of transfer of HNW South American clients’ holdings in EU. Participated in the sale of the majority stakes held by a family in a large retail group in Central and South America (US brand). We used a Luxembourg SIF solution to reduce net wealth tax exposure from using a Soparfi.

–  In conjunction with a Polish organization, Synergy developed a solution for the acquisition of land in Poland at a time when acquisition of land was investor restricted in Poland.

–  In 2013/2014, we coordinated the setup of a private equity fund, together with tax and corporate structuring for investments in real estate and equity holdings in Mozambique.

–  Setup of a SICAV SIF platform solution to provide portfolio managers with regulatory compliant structure and ancillary services.

–  Setup of a captive insurance company for a corporate client including selection of advisors and service providers and obtaining regulatory approval.

–  Setup of Investment Fund in association with industry partners to invest in distressed real estate assets in Spain and Portugal. Setup included liaison with appropriate tax and legal advisors in the jurisdictions concerned and the establishment of vehicles to hold the assets.

–  Incorporation by Synergy partners of a Luxembourg Securitization Vehicle, together with coordination of all ancillary services and banking arrangements. The total transaction value was in the amount of USD 220 million. This transaction also required that the notes issued by the vehicle were tradeable on a clearing platform.

–  Concept, design and setup by Synergy partners of a debt securitization vehicle for a client active in the factoring sector. This enabled the client to enlarge their existing business and propose a broader range of solutions for their banking and corporate client base.

–  Share sale of Swiss technology startups to industrial investors, including Luxemburg and Swiss tax advice, advice on the sale and shareholder agreements, and Luxemburg structuring for holding vehicles.

–  Provision of advice and structuring services to international groups on structuring investment vehicles to specifications required to meet eligibility requirements for international insurance company investors.

–  Advice and structuring services to an international consortium to set up and operate an investment vehicle established to invest in portfolios of non-performing loans.